Introduction: THANK YOU!
The inaugural Canyon Camp Constructors (CCC) event was held during the second week of May 8-12th 2023. This group came together to volunteer their service on an array of projects ranging from steel roof installations to updating fire pits in campsites to applying a fresh coat of paint to interior and exterior buildings, and more!
How Did the Canyon Camp Constructors ComeTo Be?
Scott Simenson (former staff member) and John Wurtzel had brainstormed early in 2023 about how they could add to our list of camp volunteers. Scott, who is retired and lives in northwest Wisconsin, mentioned that it would not be practical for him to come to camp for a day or two, but he would be more than willing to come for a week.
Over the next few days, the concept of a weeklong endeavor began to take shape. Through personal contacts over the following weeks they found several folks that would be interested in participating in such an activity.
Who Are The Canyon Camp Constructors?
They are a group of volunteers that have a passion for Canyon Camp and use their skills for the betterment of camp.
CCC Charter Volunteers Are:
Lee Binkley, Canyon Camp Staff
Steve Chandler, Canyon Camp Staff Alumni
Tim Hamilton, Former Scoutmaster
Kevin Lamm, Canyon Camp Staff Alumni
Jeff Newkirk, Canyon Camp Staff Alumni Parent
Marcia Newkirk, Canyon Camp Staff Alumni Parent
Mark Semande, Seth’s future Father-In-Law
Scott Simonson, Canyon Camp Staff Alumni
Bruce Small, Canyon Camp Staff
Dave Urban, Canyon Camp Staff Alumni
Matt Urban, Canyon Camp Staff Alumni
Jean Wurtzel, Camp Mom
John Wurtzel, Canyon Camp Staff
Carol Zarnstorff, Blackhawk Area Council Executive Board member
Honorary Mention:
Gene Nott, Canyon Camp Property and Maintenance Committee member
Roman Salamon, Blackhawk Area Council Program Director
2023 CCC Projects:
Installed steel roof on staff cabin #5
Painted interior of staff cabin #1
Removed and replaced old roof panels with a combination of new translucent polycarbonate & steel panels on Over the Hill/Far Horizons latrine
Installed vented aluminum panels on ceiling of porch overhang on Over the Hill/far Horizons Latrine
Began the process of installing new steel fire rings in campsites
Finished assembling and painted 19 new dining hall benches*
Assembled 10 new picnic tables**
Mowed most of the main camp area
Removed tree trunks, limbs, and other debris from the dance ring
*Bench assembly was began during the Kiwanis Work Weekend
**Picnic table parts were precut during the Kiwanis Work Weekend
Future Opportunities With the Canyon Camp Constructors:
The dates of Monday May 6th through Friday May 10th 2024 have been chosen for next year's event. This will again coincide with the annual spring Monroe Kiwanis Work Weekend.
If you are retired, have extra vacation to burn, or simply are available please consider joining us. You are welcome to stay for the week, or come for a day or two as your schedule permits. There will be projects of all skill levels and abilities available. It is important that you sign up in advance so we can plan for food and appropriate projects.
We are working on creating a database of volunteers that are interested in participating during CCC week, and also for other projects that may come up throughout the year.
If you are interested in participating in the future please click here to share your interest. To learn more contact or give us at call at 815-990-2050.
In The Spirit,
John Wurtzel